Wednesday 26 March 2014

Engineers lose jobs to beavers

In the video ‘How wolves change rivers’, we come across ecosystem engineers. When I watched the video, I immediately wanted to know more about natures’ very own engineers.

Did you know? Humans are ecosystem engineers too.

But in this blog I will be focusing on one particular ecosystem engineer – the beaver.

Image 1: A beaver observes his surroundings (Steve Hersey 2007)

Ecosystem engineers, like keystone species, are important for the vitality of the ecosystem. However their impacts are not direct. Rather, they manipulate the environment around them, creating, modifying or maintaining habitats, and shifting the physiology of the ecosystem (Jones et al. 1994)

Image 2: A beaver builds a dam (Demeur 2014)
Beavers are the epitome of ecosystem engineers. Beavers build dam structures that provide shelter, protection and easy access to food (Link 2014).

Beavers are indeed very proficient architects. Using trees, branches, stones and mud, beavers construct a habitat consisting of a cosy chamber with one or two entrances and a woodchip floor to keep the moisture away.

Image 3: A beaver's home (Anonymous 2014)
Their dams create wetlands, slow erosion, alter hydrology, purify water, influence succession and encourage the growth of many plants (Natureworks 2014).

Beavers and other ecosystem engineers are vital to ecosystem dynamics. They are keystone species. Just imagine how different many of our ecosystems would be without our natural engineers.

Image sources

Hersey, S 2007, 'A beaver observes his surroundings', Photo, flickr, USA, viewed 26 March 2014,  <>

Demeur, 2014, 'A beaver builds a dam', Photo, Blogspot, viewed 26 March 2014,  <>

Anonymous 2014, 'A beaver's home', Wikispaces, viewed 26 March 2014,  <>


Jones, C.G, Lawton, J.H & Shackak, M 1994, ‘Organisms as ecosystem engineers’, Oikos, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 373-386

Link, R 2014, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, viewed 26 March 2014, <>

Natureworks 2014, New Hampshire public television, viewed 26 March 2014, <>

Monday 17 March 2014

How wolves change rivers

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe” John Muir (1911)

 In the last blog we ended up at the Yellowstone National Park, USA. Yellowstone is home to one of the most widely known trophic cascade events.

Yellowstone National Park Geyser (Michael Melford 2014)
It is amazing to see the widespread effect that cascades have on the environment. The domino-like cascade tumbles all the way down the trophic levels, and beyond…Indeed, as well as disturbing the ecology of and ecosystem, trophic cascades can end in the complete transformation of the landscape.
In this excellent mini-documentary, George Monbiot explains what happened when the wolves were reintroduced in 1995 to the Yellowstone National Park, and how their reintroduction changed rivers…

Image source

Video source

Saturday 15 March 2014

The keystone


Step 1: Construct a frame in the form of an arch
Step 2: Endorse the foundation
Step 3: Stack stone blocks along the top of the framework
Step 4: Set a keystone at the top of the arch (see image 1)
(Ryan 2009)

Image 1: Position of the keystone in an arch (unknown artist 2012)

You may ask why I am yammering on about how to construct an arch. Well, apart from being pretty nifty, the structure of an arch is actually, in my view, very similar to the structure of an ecosystem. Let me explain.

The framework is the location – the landscape and climate. The foundations are the primary producers who provide the fundamental support, both in structure and nutrition. The layers of stone blocks depict trophic levels and the keystones are those species whose presence maintains the stability of the system (indeed the term ‘keystone’ species was borrowed from the stone used in the construction of arches).

When a keystone species is removed from the ecosystem, the system collapses. This collapse is what we call a trophic pyramid. How is it that keystone species have evolved, when their demise means the disruption of an entire ecosystem or a cascade through the trophic levels?

I would first like to point out that evolution is not conscious. There is no mind behind the scenes wondering what feature would be practical, what would look stunning, or what skill would be handy. Change overtime is simply driven by a response to external pressures.

Coevolution, in particular, is the evolutionary change (physical or behavioural) that one species undergoes in response to another species (Richard & Lockshin 2007).

I would like to use the trophic cascade seen in the Yellowstone National Park when wolves were removed from the ecosystem as an example. In this scenario, coevolution can be seen between the wolves and the deer. The wolves hunt the deer. In response, deer have the stamina to run (physical change) and tend to stay away from certain areas to avoid the presence of the wolves (behavioural change). These adaptations in return influence the physiology and behaviour of trophic levels below. So wolves, in this ecosystem, and other species in other ecosystems, have become keystones because of their influence on the physiology and behaviour of the trophic level below and beyond (Fortin et al. 2005).

Image source

Unknown artist 2012, ‘Position of the keystone in an arch’, The Keystone Ukulele, 15 March, 2014, <>

Other sources

Fortin, D, Beyer, H.L, Boyce, M.S, Smith, D.W, Duchesne, T, Mao, J.S 2005, ‘Wolves influence elk movements: behavior shapes a trophic cascade in Yellowstone national park’, Ecological Society of America, vol. 86, no. 5, viewed 15 March 2014, <>

Richard, A & Lockshin, Ph.D 2007, Coevolution: An Examination of How Scientists Ask and Answer Questions Using the Story of Evolution as a Paradigm , Springer, Netherlands.

Ryan, V 2009, Technology Student, 15 March 2014, <>